WeSC was founded in 1999 in Stockholm, Sweden. Street Fashion - where the street meets fashion - is one of the fastest growing segments in the clothing industry. When WeSC was founded in 2000 streetwear consisted mainly of T-shirts, baseball caps and jeans and had young guys that audience. Today streetwear evolved towards a greater element of fashion, while traditional fashion has more elements of the street. The development is the foundation of street fashion, which WeSC was the first to launch. Our target group is composed in equal parts guys and girls and that distinguishes us from our competitors.

In just a few years, WeSC has become one of the strongest brands in the segment of street fashion, with sales in 24 countries.

There is only one way to pronounce WeSC, yet despite numerous attempts and tries, some people say it wrong. So we thought we should simplify it a bit for those of you who aren\'t already in the know.

So repeat after us: 
Wi:, Es, Si


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