Monitor Audio

Our mission

Phenomenal audio is more than the sum of its parts. Yes, it’s about the finest metals and craftsmanship, but it’s also about the warmth: the flesh and blood of the listener. The connection. That’s why, at Monitor Audio, our mission is to make audio human.

Where we’ve come from

Mo Iqbal founded Monitor Audio in 1972. From a small base near Cambridge, Mo worked with a tight-knit team of engineers, assembling loudspeakers by hand – with quality, precision and a near-maddening perfectionism which is still with Monitor Audio today. From the very first speaker, the iconic MA1, the brand developed, innovated, designed and refined, with a pioneering approach that saw patent after patent filed. It’s an ethos that hasn’t changed at all. In fact, Monitor Audio is one of very few high-end audio brands still developing new, cutting-edge technologies today.